‘Avengers: Endless Wartime’ review

Avengers: Endless Wartime/Marvel

Avengers: Endless Wartime/Marvel

Marvel is starting a new run of graphic novels with the release of its ‘Avengers: Endless Wartime’ hardcover book this week.  It’s the first in a series of original comic stories published in hardcover format (as well as for Kindle).  I love a good graphic novel/mini series because it presents a story without having to jump into an ongoing series.  Some of my favorites over the years include ‘X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills’ and ‘The Dark Knight Returns.’

What I like best about these stand alone stories is they’re darker than usual and commonly focus on the the hero resolving some psychological issue.  Pardon the broad descriptive strokes there.  ‘Endless Wartime’ fits the trope, but it’s not as fulfilling as I’d hoped.  I saw some mid- to low level reviews of the story and I think I understand why.

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