‘Doctor Who: The Light at the End’ review

Doctor Who: The Light at the End/Big Finish

Doctor Who: The Light at the End/Big Finish

“What’s so special about the 23rd of November in 1963?”

A question, asked by Nyssa, that is answered by Big Finish’s Doctor Who 50th anniversary story “The Light at the End.”  In celebration of the show’s big milestone, Big Finish brings together Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, and several of the actors who played their companions.

Similar in vein to the television serial, “The Five Doctors” (which marked the 20th anniversary at the time), someone attacks the Doctor through several of his incarnations all at the same time.  Big Finish spoils its fans for the 50th with a story that lands on the fittingly named “23rd of November.”

Spoilers ahead, sweetie.

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