Musings: ‘The Night of the Doctor'(s)

I woke up to find a fantastic new Doctor Who video was released by BBC in conjunction with the 50th anniversary next Nov. 23.  The existence of this minisode wasn’t a surprise, but everything it contained was!

Watch it here:

When Paul McGann came onto my screen I nearly fell out of my chair (plus the Sisterhood of Karn).  This finally contradicts all I’ve heard about no Classic Who Doctors being a part of the 50th – and one of my biggest complaints.  What really made me happy was just the mention of several of the Doctor’s audio drama companions.  Still, it would be disappointing if this was the extent of it.

I’ve recommended the Big Finish range of Doctor Who adventures before and the Eighth Doctor stories are some of the best.  Especially when it comes to his series with companion Lucie Miller.

All in all I am excited to see a Doctor outside of Eleven and Ten (and John Hurt for that matter), but I still have some reservations about the anniversary episode properly covering Classic Who.  Also, still not 100 percent sure about this Hurt Doctor.