Musings: Bewitching anime

I want to recommend some witch-themed anime. It being October (even this late in the game) is a fine excuse to watch them if you haven’t already. Using witches can mean running the gamut of your typical “magical girls” to full on dark and creepy.

Kiki's Delivery Service

Kiki’s Delivery Service

Kiki’s Delivery Service

I wanted to do a “review” of this closer to the announcement of Miyazaki’s retirement, but never got around to it. This movie is my personal favorite Miyazaki film. While the majority of his gorgeous films have such grand, sweeping adventures, I liked the more “humble” journey of Kiki.

Upon reaching her 13th birthday, Kiki embarks on the witch’s coming of age quest to live in a city for one year to offer her services. With the help of her talking black cat, Jiji, our young witch settles in a port town and does the the only thing she can (barely) do: deliveries by flying broom. Her time in and around the city introduces her to children her own age and friendly adults. However, poor Kiki hasn’t mastered all the skills of being a witch and when in doubt, loses her powers.

“Kiki’s Delivery Service” has the astounding art one would expect from a Miyazaki film, as well as a great English voice cast. This isn’t a “spooky” story, but even witches deserve coming of age stories too.

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